On the Edge Fest – Started from Ukraine, then Georgia it expands exploring the hidden tensions from inside. The 2024 exposition focuses on the Baltic countries.

Reveals geopolitical, self-identical, psychological fears due to uncertainty in our neighbuor county Describes decay of the almost surreal periods of life in certain areas, which seems to be forgotten by the whole World. Raises awareness and provides us an opportunity to self-reflect, reminding us that freedom and dignity are genuine values of a true society that cares about its own cultural heritage and builds its independent future regardless of the sneaky intentions of aggressors who act under the red veil of common past.

The focus of the exhibition is on Baltic Chain perspective via projects by Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian authors.
Curated by Temuri Khvingia and Andrii Mur


  • Baltic Station Art Street Expo 24.08 – 01.03.2025
  • Telliskivi Outdoor Gallery 24 Aug – 15 Oct 2024
  • OKAPI Gallery 22 Aug – 15 Sep 2024
  • VABAMU (Museum of Occupations and Freedom) 23 Aug – 20 Sep 2024


Aivars Liepiņš (1953)
is a Latvian artist who learned the basics of photography on his own, but has also studied at the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Philology, University of Latvia. He has worked as a photographer for various press publications, was one of the founders of a photo-news agency and co-authored many books and albums.

Photographs by Aivars Liepiņš have been published in Latvia and in various publications abroad, exhibited in the Latvian National Art Museum and the Latvian Museum of Photography, among others.

Romualdas Požerskis (b. 7 July 1951, in Vilnius)
is a Lithuanian photographer and a 1990 recipient of the Lithuanian National Prize. A member of the Lithuanian Union of Art Photographers since 1976.

Institutions possessing Romualdas Požerskis’ photographs in their collections include the National Library of France in Paris, the Finnish Museum of Photography in Helsinki, the Modern Art Museum in Stockholm, the House of Photography in Burghausen, Germany, FIAP Collection in Lausanne, Switzerland, the Latvian Museum of Photography in Riga, the Ackland Art Museum in NC, USA, the Lithuanian National Museum of Art in Vilnius, the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius and the MO Museum in Vilnius, Lithuania, among others

Jaan Künnap (b. 9 February 1948, in Kõue)
is an Estonian mountaineer, photographer, and sports coach.
Since 1998, he has worked as a photographer for the Tallinn City Museum. 

In 1987, he received the Snow Leopard award together with Kalev Muru and Alfred Lõhmus. In 2001, he was honored with the 3rd class of the Order of the Estonian Red Cross

Vytautas Daraškevičius (b. 1946)
is a Lithuanian photographer and member of the Lithuanian Association of Photographers, who also worked at the Electrographic Research Institute. His photographic archive covers more than half a century of Lithuanian cultural heritage. It is this heritage that he considers to be a sign of the uniqueness of each nation and each people, and he not only participates in national celebrations as a photographer of the day, but also sings and dances along.

Mati Hiis (b. 1946)
is Estonian, he has been photographer since age 7, when he acquired his first Smena. Since 1973, he has been a correspondent for the Õhtuleht newspaper.

His Works have been displayed in Germany, Finland, and Estonia
Awards from domestic and international photo contests since 1962. Won Estonia’s Best Sports Photo award in 2003 and 2007, and Best Nature Photo award in 2004.

Alnis Stakle (b. 1975, Latvia)
is Latvian photographer and the Professor of photography at the Rigas Stradins University (LV). He holds PhD in art education from Daugavpils University (LV). His work brings a critical approach to questions of visual representation of collective and private trauma, loss, memories and the materiality of the medium of photography. Working both documentary and conceptually his works disclose how sociopolitical ideas can be examined through both fact and fiction as well as the interplay of collective and subjective experience.

Peeter Langovits (b. 1948)
is Estonian photographer, graduated from the Tallinn Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Chemistry, worked as an engineer at the Estonian Telegraph Agency and Postimees before pursuing a photography career. Has organized nearly 50 personal exhibitions both at home and abroad. Photographs have been distributed by news agencies such as TASS , AP, Pressfoto, Scanpix Baltics, etc.

Peeter captured the change in urban space and the “postapocalyptic” signs found in wastelands and outlying areas.
His “Flight”, “Document K-500”, “Traces on the wall”, “Morning in a new housing estate” are good examples of the so-called subjective documentarism.

Georgs Avetisjans (b. 1985, Latvia)
Latvian lens-based visual storyteller, designer, and bookmaker. He received his MA in Photography from the University of Brighton (UK) in 2016. He was nominated for Leica Oskar Barnack Newcomer Award, received the Riga Photography Biennial Award, the Poznań Photo Diploma Award, the Magnum Photos Graduate Photographers’ Award, and was selected for Plat(t)form at Fotomuseum Winterthur in Switzerland.

“Motherland. Far Beyond the Polar Circle”
This is a journey far beyond the polar circle that brings to light memories of Soviet deportees and contemporary stories through a photobook – a visual and investigative journey to understand secrets guarded in the past. Using a Soviet-made medium format camera, the Salut, Georgs narrates the story of a town built upon the bones of Soviet prisoners 163 kilometers beyond the polar circle where many deportees once lived. Considered enemies of the USSR, many were taken to the Gulag camps and left to die from cold, starvation, and poverty.

Telliskivi Creative City

Baltic Station Art Street

(Museum of Occupation & Freedom)


22 Aug – 15 Sep 2024

(Museum of Occupations and Freedom)
23 Aug – 20 Sep 2024
BALTIC WAY exhibition tickets:
Full Ticket – €5
Discount Ticket – €4

Main exhibition + Baltic Way exposition
Full Ticket – €14
Discount Ticket – €9
Family Tickets – €26

24 Aug – 15 Oct 2024

Starts from VABAMU
(Museum of Occupations and Freedom)

18:00 VABAMU (Free admission)
18:35 Okapi Gallery
19:15 Balti Station Art Street
19:30 Sally Studio youth collective artwork

opening at Balti Station Art Street
20:00 Telliskivi Outdoor Gallery
20:30 Balti Station Art Street
21:00 Okapi Gallery

(Exhibition opened until middle of March 2025)